

Welcome to Infinitus Fireside!

Infinitus Fireside is a private, encrypted Signal group for neurodivergent and/or queer Christians. Denominational or church affiliations are not important for joining this group. Others may join if they understand and respect the intentions of this group and exercise good allyship.

In order to prevent spam and trolls, the management reserves the right to screen prospective members and deny their request to join for any reason. The management may contact you directly and ask a few questions before authorizing your request.

To join, you need a Signal app on your smartphone ( ). While there are desktop versions of Signal for Linux and Windows, they only work if you already have Signal on your phone.

Read and familiarize yourself with the Group Guidelines (attached above).

To join, scan the QR code above with your smartphone, or enter the following URL on your web browser:

Questions? Email here or message